Fixed Asset Management Expertise

Fixed Asset Management Expertise
We are often contacted by prospects whose organizations have attempted to implement asset management but have failed, or are perilously close to failure. Occasionally, the cause can be traced to poor hardware or software selection, but mostly not. In the vast majority of cases, it comes down to grey matter.
Grey matter is that mass of correct decisions needed to make a project successful. It's an appreciation that every successful implementation is built on a foundation of sound administrative controls. It's the understanding that organizations in today's environment need integrated, highly automated solutions to succeed. Only through years of experience will yield the skill to make it happen and knowing how to blend the disparate parts of the organization into a single solution that ultimately makes sense for everyone.
Experience is paramount for fixed asset management
"Frankly, grey matter is that rare blend of judgment, knowledge and experience that is indispensable to the success of your asset tracking and management. So, where do you find it? We think the best place is your asset management vendor. After all, if they have been in business for some time, they have been involved in far more asset management implementations than you.” Says Alden Snyder, CEO of Asset Systems.
If vendors paid close attention and listened to their customers, they should have known how to strike the right balance between a robust data repository and a burdensome data maintenance problem. They should know how to apply the software they have developed to your needs. They should be able to design an efficient, reliable system that is tailored to your specific requirements. Otherwise, you wouldn'st be reading this article and considering a newer adaptive fixed asset solution; would you?
Consider your asset management system carefully
And if they don't include that with every purchase, if their answers are vague or, worst of all, if they haven't developed the software they are selling, you might just give pause. Consider very carefully how you will provide that grey matter in your implementation. Is your chosen vendor more interested in your money or your success? Because, in the end, grey matter is scarce and most times it's the difference between success and failure.